W.I. Life


The Women’s Institute has a national magazine called ‘Life’. The latest edition carries the following photo and caption about Heversham Bowling Club.

Heversham WI, Cumbria-Westmorland Federation, takes to the pristine green to enjoy a game of bowls against the women of Heversham Bowling Club. The WI team members, Vera Alderson, Glenis Weare, and President Susan Ellis were triumphant.
Categorised as HBC

Ladies’ Singles and Men’s Singles

On Sunday 5th September the Club held the competition for the Ladies’ Singles and the Men’s Singles. Eight ladies and eight men took part. The weather was pleasant and warm. Before the final games were played members retired to the clubhouse for a sumptuous afternoon tea.

Being sufficiently invigorated by the delicious food the finalists took to the green again.

The final games were Hilary James v Susan Ellis with Susan winning; and Adrian Salt v Charles Ellis with Charles winning.

Once again, a big thank you to all who helped to organise the afternoon and to those who provided a wonderful spread of food.

Hilary, the runner-up receiving her prize from Margaret, the Seniors A Captain and Treasurer.
Susan, the winner receiving her prize from Margaret, the Seniors A Captain and Treasurer.
Adrian, the runner-up receiving his prize from Colin, the Club Captain.
Charles, the winner receiving his prize from Colin, the Club Captain.
He’s allowed to do that – they’re married!

Leasgill Trophy

On Sunday the first of August 11 club members battled it out for the Leasgill Trophy. Conditions were ideal – dry and neither too cold nor too hot. The semi-finalists were Susan Ellis, Vera Alderson, Joyce Hayton, and Margaret Nelson. Susan and Joyce went through to a thrilling final with Joyce emerging triumphant.

The trophy and prizes.

Gordon Coleclough presenting the prizes.

Susan Ellis – the runner up receiving her prize.
Gordon presenting Joyce, the winner, with her prize and the trophy.
Joyce with her well deserved trophy.

Jubilee Shield

Sixteen Club members turned out to vie for the Jubilee Shield, (and the bottles of wine!), on Sunday 11th July. The day was warm, dry, and at times sultry. The Jubilee Shield is a doubles competition with no handicaps and a straightforward knockout system. For those who got through to the final this means that they’d played three games of doubles.

The runners up were Julie Wharfe and John Smith, while congratulations go to the winners Hilary James and Adrian Salt.

Above: John Smith and Julie Wharfe receiving the runners-up prize from our Club Chair, Vera Alderson. Below Hilary James and Adrian Salt receiving the Jubilee Shield and their prizes.

Those who took part also found time to enjoy refreshments including delicious home-made cakes.

Thanks again to John Smith, and to Colin James, our Club Captain for sorting out the afternoon.

W.I. Shirley Askew Trophy

The Heversham W.I. President writes:-

Thanks to all who contributed to the Bowling evening on Tuesday. It was a great evening with 14 ladies taking part. The weather was kind after a wet afternoon and it was relaxing!!! and enjoyable. We appreciated the friendship and chat along with the refreshments afterwards.

Hilary was our ‘official photographer’, the photos will be on the Facebook website under ‘ Ladies of the Lakes’.

The winners were:

Bowling member, Dorothy Maudsley

W.I. members:

3rd Vera Alderson

2nd Glenis Weare

1st Susan Ellis winning the Shirley Askew Trophy.

Round Robins 2021.

August 22nd

The last Round Robin of the season took place on Sunday August 22nd. Eighteen members turned up to play. Apart from a few minutes of light rain the weather was fair. The afternoon began at 1.30pm and finished at 5.30pm, so it was a long afternoon’s bowling. Members played eight rounds of five ends in doubles.

Congratulations to the runners up, who were Julie Wharfe and John Smith, and to the winners who were Susan Ellis and Adrian Salt.

July 18th

Ten members turned up to play in baking hot conditions. It was so hot that part way through the competition a decision had to be taken whether to continue play or whether to abandon the games. Being made of stern stuff the players decided to soldier on.

The winners were Susan Ellis and Hilary James. Second were Colin James and George Handley. Third were Vera Alderson and Mike Warick.

Colin ably stood in for John Smith who unfortunately couldn’t be present.

Well done everyone.

June 20th

Robin reports that it was a good afternoon with warm, sunny weather and twelve players playing as six pairs. The green was very fast which meant that lots of bowls finished up in the gutter.

Congratulations go to Colin and Hilary James who were once again drawn together and who once again won (Mmmmm!): they won with 9 points and an aggregate of 19.

The runners-up were Julie Wharfe and Keith Barrett with 7 points and an aggregate of 12.

Colin and Hilary
Julie and Keith

Thanks once again to John Smith for organising things.

May 23rd


Sunday May 23rd saw the first Round Robin of the season. Twelve members turned up to play. The event began at 1.30pm and finished at 5.40pm. The weather was far from what might be expected in late May – it was cold and later in the afternoon rain set in. Nevertheless, despite the conditions people were glad to be taking part in a club event. Congratulations to Hilary and Colin who won; and to the runners-up Vera and Robin.

Thanks once again to John Smith who organised the event and who did the calculations.

Blue Bell Trophy 2021

Sunday 13th June saw club members vying for the Blue Bell Trophy.

Those who played were left searching for the glorious sunshine and heatwave which the weather forecasters had predicted. Nevertheless, it remained dry, although overcast and humid.

Twelve members joined in the competition which was run on a knockout system with handicaps. After playing several rounds the finalists were Robin Wharfe and Adrian Salt.

Adrian on the left and Robin on the right

It was a close fought battle for the trophy which was eventually won by Adrian Salt with a score of 21 – 18. Congratulations to Adrian.

Adrian and Robin began with a score of 7 – 7 on the cards with the final score 21-18 to Adrian.

Robin with the prize for the runner-up.
Adrian with the trophy.
Vera, the Club Chair, presenting the prizes.

Guidance for Club Competitions

The Club Committee was asked a question about ‘rules’ relating to domestic club competitions; in particular the ‘rules’ about handicapping. John Smith kindly delved into his archive material to provide some answers. In addition to the guidance below perhaps it needs to be emphasised that there is no practice time prior to Club Competitions.

To Summarise:-

Men’s, Ladies’, and Bluebell Trophy are handicapped. The Leasgill Trophy is not handicapped. Jubilee Shield – there will be no handicapping in this competition; however it is proposed that players are drawn from two pots, (strong players in one and less strong in the other) with the intention of avoiding two strong players being drawn together or conversely two weaker players coming out of the hat. The Club Captain to exercise discretion to make the allocations and draw.

Players who play regularly in and are regarded as Kendal A and/or Seniors A players to play off scratch. Players who play regularly in and are regarded as Kendal B, Seniors B and Rural league players to play off +3. Non team players to play off +6. New bowlers/Juniors to play off +9. The Club Captain is to have discretion to decide individual handicaps and to produce a notice to be posted on the Club notice board showing members’ handicaps prior to the first competition.

Round Robin Competitions – It was suggested that pairs should be drawn following a similar system to the Jubilee Shield. No decision was taken by the Committee. . . The basic intention is to make competitions more enjoyable for all members.

This system of handicaps remains in place.

The 5 main Club Competitions are generally run by and the responsibility of the then Club Captain or someone delegated if the Club Captain is not available. Matches are played to 21 up but the Club Captain/organiser has generally taken the number of entries into account and will/has exercised discretion on the day in deciding whether to put say +3 or even +5 on the card. Generally first round matches are played off ‘scratch’ but again the Club Captain might decide to start with a plus score if the/she thinks the competition will take too long to complete and will sometimes decide to start with ‘something on the card.’. They have sometimes exercised discretion as regards handicaps too.

Byes: The number entries determine the number of byes, if any. So say 23 entries the number of byes = 32 – 23 = 9 byes and 23 entries less 9 byes = 14 playing in a preliminary round to give 7 winners which with the 9 byes brings you to down to 16. If the number of entries is less than 16 say 13 entries number of byes = 16 -13 entries = 3 byes.- 10 people or pairs then play to produce 5 winners to go with 3 byes = 8 going forward.

The draw is best made in the clubhouse on the day so that it can be witnessed being made by members who are present. It is important for the Trophy competitions that entrants are ready to play at the stated start time. If the start time is 1.30pm the draw should be made 1.15pm latest otherwise valuable time can be lost.