Jack and Jean Isherwood

On Friday May 12th the Cumbrian heat of the Jack and Jean Isherwood Championship was held on our green. John Smith, our Club Captain, did a magnificent job in organising the event, and he would like to thank club members for all their contributions to making the day such a success.

The winner was Billy Caldwell and the runner-up was Dave McRoy. Billy is seen below on the left, John Smith, (the organiser) is in the middle and Dave is on the right.

The other two players who reached the semi-finals were Paul Crosland, seen below on the left, and Colin Mason, seen below on the right.

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Coronation of King Charles III




On Sunday 7th May to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III and the crowning of Camilla as Queen the club held a social bowling afternoon. The format was singles games up to 11 and then a further set of games up to 11. Refreshments were then taken including a glass of fizz. Three people finished on 24 points each – John Cross, Adrian Salt, and Charles Ellis. They then played five ends or sudden death. John Cross was the winner, with Charles Ellis coming second. Further refreshments were then taken in the form of Margaret’s Coronation Scones suitably adorned in red, white, and blue.

Entertainment was also provided by members submitting their answers to the vexed question of where Joyce had finally found her bowling glove.

If you click on the images below they will open in a carousel.

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First Round-Robin of 2023

First Round Robin of the Season.

The first Round Robin of the season took place on Sunday 23rd April. Twenty players took part: they were split into two groups with ten in each group. Congratulations to the winners who were in Group A Helen Telford and John Smith; and in Group B Louise Tomlinson and Colin James.

If you click on one of the images below it will open in a carousel.

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Friendly with Allithwaite

Friendly Match with Allithwaite

On Saturday 15th April a friendly match with Allithwaite took place on our green. Julia Nicholson, the secretary of Allithwaite, contacted the club with the following message:-

‘Just a quick message to say thank you for your wonderful hospitality yesterday, we all thoroughly enjoyed the well organised afternoon of good company, the lovely green, the fun bowling, of course the delicious tea and amazingly, to make it perfect, the sunshine. What a wonderful way to start the season.

Allithwaite will be delighted to host a return event as soon as our green allows, perhaps toward the end of this season but more realistically next year, either way we have a hard act to follow.

Finally I’ll just say good luck to Heversham for the 2023 season.

Many thanks again.


Spot the Difference

If you click on the images below they will open in a carousel.

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Pre-Season Warm-Up

Kendal A Team versus Kendal B Team friendly match.

To help players to get back into match play mode a friendly match took place between the Club’s Kendal A and B Teams on Wednesday 29th March. After very wet weather the players were fortunate to play in a period of dry weather. The format was ten players on each team with each player starting on three and playing to 21. The A Team won by 6 games to four.

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Pre-Season Warm-Up

Seniors A Team versus Seniors B Team friendly match.

On Monday April 3rd the teams from the Seniors League had a friendly warm-up match prior to the start of the season. Fortunately the day had been dry and sunny so it was a clear evening. Each player started with three on the card and games were played to twenty one. The A Team won by six games to two. With the aggregate that made a win of 8 – 2.

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Walker Frame

Heversham Bowling Club has purchased a walker frame for use by our less able members and visitors to enable them to access the green and play bowls.

The frame has wide wheels which ensures there is no damage caused to the surface when moving between ends around the green.

The height can be adjusted and the frame can support a carrier or bag for bowls, and is strong enough to hold oxygen cannisters.

The frame remains the property of the club and is marked with the club’s name and post code. The frame can be found in the club house entrance hall.

Enjoy !

Robin Wharfe

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Most Improved Player 2023

The Most Improved Player

Congratulations to John Cross. At the 2023 AGM John was awarded the trophy for ‘The Most Improved Player.’ Here John, on the left, is seen receiving the trophy from John Smith, our Club Captain. Keep up the good playing in 2023 John.

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