Rural Team Friendly
on a cold 22nd March.
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A place to make and meet friends
Rural Team Friendly
on a cold 22nd March.
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On Saturday March 16th the club held a domino evening in the Athenaeum. It was a good social occasion with people moving from table to table as they won points. Thanks to Colin who kept everyone in order, well at least he tried to do, and to all who prepared the evening and who worked in the background. Robin, our Club Chair, writes, “Really well done everyone. We made a profit of £289.50 – a great effort. Looking forward to arranging another fund raiser.”
The Heversham Navvies
Several club members picked up shovels, spades, and rakes to help clear the club car park for a new surface of stone to be laid. Once cleared, a 10 tonne delivery of limestone chippings was spread across the car park by the club ‘Navvies’. Club Chair, Robin commented, “Two days of hard work will hopefully pay off and keep the car park in good condition for the foreseeable future, well done to all those who took part.“
Robin adds, “Once again thanks to the club members who turned out in appalling conditions to finish laying another 5 tonnes of stone in the car park. Also well done to those who came down to the clubhouse for the Annual Spring Clean, Boon Day! Looking good for the new season.”
What has become the Club’s Annual Pre-Season meal was held on Sunday 4th February at the Crooklands Hotel. Twenty nine members enjoyed their food and friendship. Many thanks to Robin, our new Club Chair, for organising it all. Somehow he managed to evade being in a photograph himself.
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Most Improved Player of the Year 2023
CONGRATULATIONS to Louise Tomlinson who was presented with the Trophy for Most Improved Player of the year 2023. The award was made at the AGM by John Smith the outgoing Club Captain.
Mince Pies, Mulled Wine,
and Music.
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Fish ‘n Chips ‘n Dominoes
“Great night last night at the fish and chip supper. Thanks to our Deliveroo boys Martin and John for collecting the meals and to Colin for the games entertainment. We must do it again.” – Vera, our Chairperson.
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Senior B Team end of season dinner.
Robin writes: ‘The Senior B Team celebrated their success at winning Division 5 and gaining promotion by enjoying lunch at Crooklands Hotel on Tuesday 10th October. 10 players and partners enjoyed lovely food, and Keith, team Captain, thanked everyone for their efforts and looked forward to next season.’
The last Round Robin of the 2023 season took place on Sunday October 1st when fourteen club members gathered to take part in the last match of the season. The winners were Louise Tomlinson and Robin Wharfe, with the runners up being Margaret Nelson and Bert Suttie. As is the custom, the end of the season match was followed by delicious refreshments. Once again, thanks go to John Smith, our Club Captain, for organising the event. On the left below you can see Louise and Robin and on the right Margaret and Bert.
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On Sunday September 3rd the competition for the Ladies’ and Men’s singles took place. The Ladies’ Trophy was kindly donated by Margaret Nelson, and the Men’s by the late Peter Shaw. The semi-finalists were Vera Alderson and Julie Wharfe, and Colin James and Adrian Salt. Julie went on to win the Ladies’ trophy, while Colin won the Men’s. It’s been an especially good year for Colin James, our Club Captain who not only won the Men’s singles, but also won the Leasgill Trophy for the second year in succession. Congratulations Colin.
In the images below you can see Margaret presenting the rose-bowl trophy to Julie and on the right Margaret is presenting the decanter to Colin.
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