Last Round Robin of the Season

Last Round Robin of the Season

Sunday 2nd October saw the last Round Robin of the season. Sixteen club members took part. The games were followed by a splendid Jacob’s Join tea. Congratulations to the winners John Cross and Martin Tomlinson, and to the runners-up Bert Suttie and Mike Warick. Once again, many thanks to John Smith, our Club Captain, for his hard work in organising the event.

On the left below are John and Martin receiving their winners’ prizes; and on the right are Bert, looking particularly victorious, and Mike.

If you click on the photos below they will open in a carousel.

August Round Robin

August Round Robin

On Sunday August 7th twenty two club members turned up to play in the August Round Robin. John Smith, our Club Captain, had once again kindly sorted out the arrangements for play and scoring. The players were split into two groups: Group A played five games of six ends, while Group B played four games of eight ends. The competition, was played in warm and pleasant conditions: it began at 1.30pm and with a break for refreshments it finished at 4.50pm.

The winners of Group A were Alison and Adrian Salt; the runners up were Susan and Mike. The winners of Group B were Vera and George; the runners up were Margaret and John Cross.

On the left below John Smith is seen presenting the prizes to Alison and Adrian, the winners of Group A. On the right John is presenting the prizes to Vera and George, the winners of Group B.

If you click on an image in the gallery below it will open in a carousel.

Round Robin July 3rd

Round Robin July 3rd

On Sunday July 3rd fourteen club members gathered to contest the season’s third Round Robin. On this occasion, unlike some of the matches, the weather was fair. The winners were Joyce Hayton and John Smith with 9 points and an aggregate of +5; while the runners-up were Julie Wharfe and John Alderson with 8 points and an aggregate of +18. Once again many thanks to John Smith for organising the event.

On the left below is Vera, the Club Chair, presenting the prizes to Joyce and John. On the left Vera is presenting the runners-up prize to Julie and John.

If you click on the images below they will open in a carousel.

Jubilee Round Robin

Jubilee Round Robin

June 5th 2022

Decorating the Clubhouse

If you click on the photos they will open in a carousel

Sixteen members played in the Jubilee Round Robin. It was played in grey conditions with some intermittent rain. Once again, besides the bowling, members enjoyed the fun and friendship, not to mention the refreshments. Wine was available either with the refreshments or after the Round Robin was over. It’s not clear whether the winners were helped by having a glass of wine during the break in play. It’s suspected that some players had a glass of wine afterwards as a commiseration. Once again many thanks to John Smith for his hard work in sorting everything out.

The winners of the Jubilee Round Robin were: First – Hilary and Martin; Second – Helen and Tom; Third – Susan and Charles. Top left is Hilary faced with the difficult decision of whether to choose wine or wine. Middle top are Martin and Hilary the winners. Top right are Tom and Helen shaking hands. Bottom left is Tom getting carried away congratulating Helen. Bottom right is Susan. The prizes were awarded by our Club Chair, Vera.

If you click on the photos they will open in a carousel.

Round Robin May 1st

First Round Robin of the Year

Sunday May 1st saw the first Round Robin of the year. The day was drizzly and grey, but spirits weren’t dampened and the fourteen members who took part enjoyed the bowling and the friendship. Of course, half way through members enjoyed refreshments and a chat in the club house.

In fourth place were Joyce and Colin; third were Susan and John Cross; second were Margaret and Bert; and the winners were Hilary and Charles.

Once again, many thanks to John Smith for organising the afternoon and sorting out all the paperwork.

(Below) On the left John Smith, the Club Captain, is seen giving the winners’ prize to Hilary and Charles; and on the left the runners’-up prize to Margaret and Bert. If you click on an image it will enlarge.

(Below) John Smith, the Club Captain, working out the points and paperwork. If you click on an image it will enlarge.

If you click on the images below they will enlarge.

Round Robins 2021.

August 22nd

The last Round Robin of the season took place on Sunday August 22nd. Eighteen members turned up to play. Apart from a few minutes of light rain the weather was fair. The afternoon began at 1.30pm and finished at 5.30pm, so it was a long afternoon’s bowling. Members played eight rounds of five ends in doubles.

Congratulations to the runners up, who were Julie Wharfe and John Smith, and to the winners who were Susan Ellis and Adrian Salt.

July 18th

Ten members turned up to play in baking hot conditions. It was so hot that part way through the competition a decision had to be taken whether to continue play or whether to abandon the games. Being made of stern stuff the players decided to soldier on.

The winners were Susan Ellis and Hilary James. Second were Colin James and George Handley. Third were Vera Alderson and Mike Warick.

Colin ably stood in for John Smith who unfortunately couldn’t be present.

Well done everyone.

June 20th

Robin reports that it was a good afternoon with warm, sunny weather and twelve players playing as six pairs. The green was very fast which meant that lots of bowls finished up in the gutter.

Congratulations go to Colin and Hilary James who were once again drawn together and who once again won (Mmmmm!): they won with 9 points and an aggregate of 19.

The runners-up were Julie Wharfe and Keith Barrett with 7 points and an aggregate of 12.

Colin and Hilary
Julie and Keith

Thanks once again to John Smith for organising things.

May 23rd


Sunday May 23rd saw the first Round Robin of the season. Twelve members turned up to play. The event began at 1.30pm and finished at 5.40pm. The weather was far from what might be expected in late May – it was cold and later in the afternoon rain set in. Nevertheless, despite the conditions people were glad to be taking part in a club event. Congratulations to Hilary and Colin who won; and to the runners-up Vera and Robin.

Thanks once again to John Smith who organised the event and who did the calculations.