Last Round Robin of the Season

Last Round Robin of the Season

Sunday 2nd October saw the last Round Robin of the season. Sixteen club members took part. The games were followed by a splendid Jacob’s Join tea. Congratulations to the winners John Cross and Martin Tomlinson, and to the runners-up Bert Suttie and Mike Warick. Once again, many thanks to John Smith, our Club Captain, for his hard work in organising the event.

On the left below are John and Martin receiving their winners’ prizes; and on the right are Bert, looking particularly victorious, and Mike.

If you click on the photos below they will open in a carousel.

David Skidmore Competition

David Skidmore Competition

On Friday 9th September our South Lakeland Rural Bowling League team took part in the David Skidmore Competition. The match against Burneside took place at Burton-in-Kendal. It was an evening match played under floodlights. Our team won two games and Burneside won two games. However, Burneside had a total of 71 points against our team’s 66 points. Burneside now go through to the final against Burton-in-Lonsdale.

Ladder Competition

Ladder Competition

Throughout the season members have been able to play in a Ladder Competition. Each entrant could challenge a person either one or two places higher on the ladder. On the same day as the Ladies’ and Men’s Singles John Smith, the Club Captain presented the prizes. Congratulations to Adrian Salt who won; Bert Suttie who came second; and Charles Ellis who came third. They’re seen below in winning order from left to right.

Ladies’and Men’s Singles

Ladies’ and Men’s Singles Competition

On Sunday September 4th eight ladies and eleven men gathered to compete for the Ladies’ and Men’s Singles Competition. The Ladies’ Trophy was kindly donated by Margaret Nelson, and the Men’s by the late Peter Shaw. The bowling began at 1.40pm and finished at 6.20pm: for those who won through the rounds to the finals it was a long afternoon requiring stamina as well as skill. The weather was mixed with slight rain at one stage followed later by hot sunshine. The finalists were Julie Wharfe and Susan Ellis in the Ladies’ Competition, and John Cross and Adrian Salt in the Men’s. After a closely fought game, which was nip and tuck, Susan won the Ladies’ Competition by a score of 21 – 19; and John Cross won by 21 – 15.

Julie on the left and Susan before their final.
Julie receiving the runner’s-up prize from John Smith, the Club Captain.
Susan receiving the Rose Bowl Trophy, and some roses to fill it, from Margaret Nelson.
The Rose Bowl Trophy resplendent with roses.
Adrian receiving the runner’s-up prize.
John receiving the winner’s prize of decanter and whisky.

if you click one of the images below it will open in a carousel.

Leasgill Trophy 2022

Leasgill Trophy

On a baking afternoon on Sunday 14th August eighteen Club members gathered to compete for the Leasgill trophy. Given the ferocity of the heat and the humidity some members expressed gratitude that they were out in the first round and didn’t have to go on the green again – mmmm! Congratulations to those who battled on through several rounds: they not only showed their skill at bowling but also great stamina. It was so hot that some members spent the afternoon serving cold water and refreshments to those on the green.

If you click on the three images below they will open in a carousel.

The semi-finalists were John Smith and Martin Tomlinson; Dorothy Maudsley and Colin James. Martin and Colin went through to the final with Colin emerging triumphant after a hard fought game.

In the photo below Colin James and Martin Tomlinson are seen wishing each other well before the final.

Below Martin is seen receiving the runners-up prize from John Smith, the Club Captain, and below that Colin is seen receiving the Leasgill Trophy and his prize.

Thanks to everyone who took part and particularly to John Smith for once again organising the event.

If you click on the images below they will open in a carousel.

August Round Robin

August Round Robin

On Sunday August 7th twenty two club members turned up to play in the August Round Robin. John Smith, our Club Captain, had once again kindly sorted out the arrangements for play and scoring. The players were split into two groups: Group A played five games of six ends, while Group B played four games of eight ends. The competition, was played in warm and pleasant conditions: it began at 1.30pm and with a break for refreshments it finished at 4.50pm.

The winners of Group A were Alison and Adrian Salt; the runners up were Susan and Mike. The winners of Group B were Vera and George; the runners up were Margaret and John Cross.

On the left below John Smith is seen presenting the prizes to Alison and Adrian, the winners of Group A. On the right John is presenting the prizes to Vera and George, the winners of Group B.

If you click on an image in the gallery below it will open in a carousel.

Ernie Woodcock Trophy Semi-Final

Ernie Woodcock Trophy Semi-Final

On Tuesday July 12th the Heversham A Team and the Heversham B Team played each other in a semi-final match of the Ernie Woodcock Trophy. Congratulations to the B Team who won through to the final with a 5 -2 win. The final will take place on Monday 15th August at Kendal Victoria.

The A Team prior to the match.
The B Team prior to the match.
Good bowling!
The B Team had a four start on their cards because the A Team is 2 divisions above them.

The Jubilee Trophy

The Jubilee Trophy Competition

On a glorious, sunny afternoon the Jubilee Trophy Competition took place on July 10th. Nineteen members took part in what is a mixed doubles knock-out competition. The semi-finalists were Louise and Robin; Vera and Mike; Alison and Charles; Julie and Adrian. Alison and Charles went through to the final against Julie and Adrian, with Julie and Adrian winning the trophy.

Below, on the left you can see Vera and Mike, on the right you can see Louise and Robin. John Smith, the Club Captain is seen presenting the prizes. Once again many thanks to John for all his hard work in organising the competition.

If you click on the photos below they will open in a carousel.

On the left below are Alison and Charles the runners-up. On the right with the Jubilee Shield are the winners Julie and Adrian.

W.I. Shirley Askew Trophy

Heversham W.I.

The Shirley Askew Trophy

Sue Ellis, the President of Heversham W. I. writes, “On Wednesday 6th July the W.I. Bowling Competition took place at 7.00pm. Altogether twelve ladies took part in playing for the Annual Shirley Askew Memorial Trophy with members of the Bowling Club playing against members of the W.I.. Many thanks to John Smith, Club Captain, for organising the event. Thanks, too, to other club members for helping with setting up, measuring, and scoring. A pleasant evening was had by all, with drinks, (including Pimms!), and refreshments afterwards: even the rain stayed away.

The winner for the W.I. was Julie Wharfe, while the winner for the Bowling Club was Frances Irving.”

Frances is seen below on the left and on the right is Julie receiving the trophy, and some wine, from Sue Ellis.

Below you can see John Smith, the Club Captain, hard at work working out the details and organising the order of play.

If you click on the photos in the gallery below then they will open in a carousel.

Round Robin July 3rd

Round Robin July 3rd

On Sunday July 3rd fourteen club members gathered to contest the season’s third Round Robin. On this occasion, unlike some of the matches, the weather was fair. The winners were Joyce Hayton and John Smith with 9 points and an aggregate of +5; while the runners-up were Julie Wharfe and John Alderson with 8 points and an aggregate of +18. Once again many thanks to John Smith for organising the event.

On the left below is Vera, the Club Chair, presenting the prizes to Joyce and John. On the left Vera is presenting the runners-up prize to Julie and John.

If you click on the images below they will open in a carousel.