Friendly with Kirkby Lonsdale

Friendly with Kirkby Lonsdale

On Saturday 24th June a friendly match against Kirkby Lonsdale took place. John Smith, our Club Captain, organised the afternoon which saw fourteen players from Kirkby Lonsdale visiting us. The first part of the afternoon saw players from both clubs playing doubles against each other. This was followed by a splendid afternoon tea after which players teamed up with someone from the other team to play doubles with two jacks each. Thanks to John Smith, everyone who helped, and everyone who provided afternoon tea.

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Blue Bell Trophy

Blue Bell Trophy

On a blazing hot day on Sunday 4th June thirteen club members took part in the competition for the Blue Bell Trophy. After playing several rounds in the enervating heat Jim McPoland and Martin Tomlinson won through to the final. Congratulations to Martin who is seen below receiving the Blue Bell Trophy from Vera Alderson, the Club Chair.

Jim McPoland the runner-up with a well earned bottle of beer.

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Categorised as HBC