Pre-Season Warm-Up

Kendal A Team versus Kendal B Team friendly match.

To help players to get back into match play mode a friendly match took place between the Club’s Kendal A and B Teams on Wednesday 29th March. After very wet weather the players were fortunate to play in a period of dry weather. The format was ten players on each team with each player starting on three and playing to 21. The A Team won by 6 games to four.

Categorised as HBC

Pre-Season Warm-Up

Seniors A Team versus Seniors B Team friendly match.

On Monday April 3rd the teams from the Seniors League had a friendly warm-up match prior to the start of the season. Fortunately the day had been dry and sunny so it was a clear evening. Each player started with three on the card and games were played to twenty one. The A Team won by six games to two. With the aggregate that made a win of 8 – 2.

Categorised as HBC

Walker Frame

Heversham Bowling Club has purchased a walker frame for use by our less able members and visitors to enable them to access the green and play bowls.

The frame has wide wheels which ensures there is no damage caused to the surface when moving between ends around the green.

The height can be adjusted and the frame can support a carrier or bag for bowls, and is strong enough to hold oxygen cannisters.

The frame remains the property of the club and is marked with the club’s name and post code. The frame can be found in the club house entrance hall.

Enjoy !

Robin Wharfe

Categorised as HBC